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Perennnial/Nursery - May 20
House #2 - May 20
House #1 - May 20
House #1 - May 20
Shade annuals - May 20
Foliage planters - April 2nd
Shade Annuals - April 13th
Lavender, Sunpatien etc. April 13th
Peppers April 13th
House #3 - 1st Coleus - April 15th
House #5 - Calibrachoa - April 15th
House #4 - Calibrachoa - April 15th
House #4 - Fountain Grasses - April 15th
House #4 - Sweet Potato - April 15th
House #7 - Impatiens, Zinnia - April 16th
Annual bedding flats - April 18th
Flats of Pansies - April 18th
Non-Stop Begonia - April 13th
Clematis - April 19th
House #2 - Geraniums - April 20th
House #1 - Geraniums - April 12th
House #1 - Geraniums - April 20th
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